为了帮助乘客放松,英国希思罗机场快线推出了“火车上的瑜伽课”。据悉,这是首次在行驶的火车上开瑜伽课,车厢里充满了舒缓身心的香气,虽然课程时间不长,却大受好评。[Photo/Pexels]英国一家火车运营商在列车上举办现场瑜伽课,让乘客的旅途变得更加宁静舒心。A TRAIN operator from Britain has made travelling more tranquil – by hosting live yoga classes during journeys.为了帮助旅客放松下来,10月13日,瑜伽大师赛丽斯特·佩雷拉在希思罗机场快线上向旅客讲授了12分钟的坐姿瑜伽和冥想课。Heathrow Express passengers travelling on October 13 were treated to sessions with yoga influencer Celest Pereira, who has developed a 12-minute seat-yoga and meditation session to help travellers relax.这堂课可以让各个年龄段和不同身体条件的旅客都参与进来,在座位上就可以安全地练习瑜伽。据称,这是第一次在行驶的火车上开设瑜伽课。The class has been developed so travellers of all ages and abilities can perform the exercises safely from their seats – and it’s believed to be the first time a yoga class has taken place on a moving train.为了让乘客进入状态,开展瑜伽课的这节“宁静列车”车厢用新鲜的桉树叶和薰衣草作装饰,让整节车厢充满了舒缓身心的香气。To get passengers in the right frame of mind, the ‘Tranquil Train’ carriage hosting the sessions was decorated with fresh eucalyptus and lavender to fill the carriage with soothing aromas.在试点举办瑜伽课前,希思罗机场快线委托开展的一项研究发现,新冠疫情暴发后,超半数公共交通乘客感觉旅途中压力重重。The initiative was trialled after a study also commissioned by Heathrow Express found more than half of public transport users find travel stressful following the Covid-19 pandemic.赛丽斯特·佩雷拉说:“旅行途中要操心很多事,要处理、要考虑的事情很多,时间也很赶,所以人们会感到很紧张。”Celest Pereira said: “Travelling can get very fraught – there’s lots going on, lots of things to think about, and it’s very deadline driven - so it can be a very intense experience.“通过开展瑜伽课,我们希望可以缓解这些压力,帮助乘客享受当下,减轻心理负担,放松肌肉。”"By hosting these classes we’re hoping to alleviate those pressures and help passengers be in the present moment, feel less overwhelmed and relieve any muscle tension.这项涵盖了2000名成人的研究还列出了旅途中最让人抓狂的事,包括出发延误(52%)和人群拥挤(48%)。The study of 2,000 adults also identified the most frustrating aspects of travel – including delayed departures (52 percent) and crowds (48 percent).错过航班、火车或公交车(47%)最令人懊恼,其次是找不到座位(43%)以及忘带护照或车票等物品(40%)。Missing flights, trains, or buses (47 percent) also leads to aggravation, as does trying to find a seat (43 percent) and worrying you’ve forgotten something like your passport or the tickets (40 percent).其他烦心事包括迷路(38%)、人和行李分离(33%)以及没看到(听到)行程公告(29%)。Other worries include getting lost (38 percent), being separated from your luggage (33 percent), and missing travel announcements (29 percent).难怪有72%的人希望运营商采取措施,帮助人们在公共交通的旅途中放松心情。So perhaps it’s no wonder 72 percent would like operators do more to make travelling on public transport more relaxing.26岁的伦敦人乔·本斯也是希思罗机场快线“宁静列车”上的乘客之一。他表示:“我平时特别忙,在火车上一般都是看手机,但是今天我却得到了彻底的放松。”Joe Bence, a 26-year-old from London who was among those who boarded the Heathrow Express ‘Tranquil Train’, said: “I have such a busy life and usually look at my phone on the train - but today I completely switched off.“这堂瑜伽课是很好的消遣,让我一整天都很愉快。”"The class was a nice distraction from life, it made my day.”此次调研还向运营商提出了帮助旅客分忧的办法,39%的受访者认为“车厢应该更安静”,还有39%的旅客希望有预留座位。Those polled also revealed how operators might be able to reduce passenger worry when travelling – including more ‘quiet carriages’ (39 percent) and reserved seats (39 percent).调查还发现,提供免费小吃或饮料(36%)和预留行李位置(32%)能改善旅客心情,在旅途中提供娱乐节目(30%)也能让旅客暂时忘却烦恼。Free snacks or refreshments (36 percent) would also make a difference, as would reserved places for luggage (32 percent) and onboard entertainment to take mind off things (30 percent).OnePoll网站的数据显示,30%的旅客希望旅途中可以播放舒缓的音乐,四分之一(24%)的旅客认为安神的香气有助于放松。Three in 10 (30 percent) would also like tranquil music to be played during journeys, while a quarter (24 percent) think calming fragrances would help, according to the OnePoll.com data.“宁静列车”上桉树叶的芳香让许多乘客印象深刻。The eucalyptus aroma on the ‘Tranquil Train’ made an impression on many passengers.来自华盛顿特区的伊丽莎白在评论这段旅行经历时说道:“这种香气真的很提神,尤其在搭乘了漫长的夜间航班之后。这种香气真是太美妙了。”Commenting on her experience, Elizabeth, from Washington DC, said: “This was a real pick me up, especially after a long overnight flight. The smell is so wonderful.”